
We invite you to join us for the 12th annual International Standards Meeting (ISM), EuropeActive’s main event for training providers, employers, practitioners and other key stakeholders in the fitness and physical activity sector.

Under the theme ‘Transforming the fitness industry through standards', the ISM will focus on how the sector will truly harness the power of digital technologies and become a respected element of public health policy.

Keynote Speakers and Panel Sessions confirmed!

Reaching out to Health through Standards

Panelists will discuss how Covid-19 has accelerated the need for our sector to offer itself up as a preventative solution and the need for an ongoing education and professionalisation of the fitness and physical activity industry. 

CEN Standards, a must-have for a professionalised fitness and physical activity sector

This session will highlight the value of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the benefits of standards for upskilling the fitness and physical activity sector workforce.

How fitness professionals can harness the power of digital technologies?

The focus of this panel is to explore how can digital solutions be best used and how do we best ensure that 

fitness professionals are knowledgeable and confident in the application of these digital tools.

Total program:




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