
Gebruik de lock down periode effectief door je te verdiepen, met een online opleiding, in het thema van je interesse en expertise. Hier een compact overzicht van de on-demand online opleidingen van EFAA.

Assistent fitness of Fitnesstrainer A

Assistent Fitnesstrainer (EQF niveau 2) opleiding

De opleiding Assistent Fitnesstrainer is een uitgebreide kennismaking met fitness en de achterliggende theorie. (meer info).

Fitness A theorie E-learning module Anatomie / Inspanningsfysiologie / Trainingsleer

Bestudeer online en op eigen tempo de theorie van de Fitnesstrainer A module, anatomie, fysiologie en trainingsleer. (meer info)

Personal training

NASM Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)english

The NASM-CPT self-study program is designed with you in mind. NASM’s systematic, evidence-based approach for designing exercise programs can prepare you to help anyone reach their fitness goals - from beginners to professional athletes. (meer info)

Specialisaties Nederlandstalig

Beweegdeskundige diabetes

Optimaliseer je kennis op het gebied van gezond bewegen en begeleiden van (pre)diabetes. (meer info)

Beweegdeskundige overgewicht/obesitas

NL Actief (voorheen Fit!vak) ontwikkelde in samenwerking met TNO in 2014 de nieuwe ‘Beweegrichtlijn overgewicht/obesitas’ voor preventiecentra. Na de specialisatie op niveau 4+ op het gebied van (pre)diabetes kan de trainer zich nu ook specialiseren op het gebied van begeleiding van mensen met overgewicht en obesitas. (meer info)

Specialisaties Engelstalig

NASM Performance Enhancement Specialization (PES)

Help your clients be first to the finish line by improving their flexibility, speed, agility and performance. Cutting-edge, evidence-based sports performance exercise techniques help you build tougher, faster and stronger professional athletes and weekend warriors. (meer info)

NASM Senior Fitness Specialization (SFS)

Keeping seniors active never gets old. You’ll learn to meet seniors’ specific fitness needs and help them preserve their independence by designing exercise programs that use NASM’s Optimum Performance Training model. (meer info)

NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist (CES)

Corrective Exercise is one of the most important components of a comprehensive exercise program. Regardless of athletic ability or fitness level, almost every person has some degree of dysfunction that increases the chance for injury. (meer info)

NASM Behavior Change Specialisation (BCS)

Need help with the answers? NASM's new Behavior Change Specialization (BCS) will help teach you to identify your clients' motivational triggers which can lead to sustainable results for your clients and improve client retention for you. (meer info)

NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (CNC)

As an NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC), you’ll have the relevant knowledge and abilities you’ll need to design and deliver top-quality, individualized nutrition coaching for your clients. (meer info)

NASM Weight Loss Specialization (WLS)

With this in-demand specialization, you can help overweight and obese clients gain the knowledge they need to lose their weight and reclaim their health. Master the secrets of diet, exercise and psychology to help them take it off and keep in off. (meer info)

NASM PT Business Accelerator (BA)

With NASM's new Business Accelerator, you'll learn how to maximize your time, profits, and, most importantly, the value you deliver. All in a matter of weeks. (meer info)

NASM Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist (MMACS)

The NASM Mixed Martial Arts Conditioning Specialist (MMACS) — Put the Unparalleled Power of MMA in Your Corner. Take your career into a whole new arena! (meer info)

NASM Virtual Coaching Specialization (VCS)

The NASM Virtual Coaching Specialization’s immersive online experience will equip you with the skills, tools, and strategies necessary to launch, operate, or transition your current fitness or wellness business to a successful Virtual Coaching business. (meer info)

NASM Ready Bundle

For fitness enthusiasts with a passion for health, diet, and living right. •Certified Personal Trainer - (NASM-CPT) Program - Guided Study • Nutrition Certification - (NASM-CNC) • Weight Loss Specialization - (NASM-WLS) (meer info)

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