Nirvana Fitness

Nirvana Fitness

A team of scientists including exercise, breathing & sound specialists have come up with a super effective & elegant solution to tackle a vast number of conditions all linked to insufficient cell oxygenation. A revolutionary breathing fitness is pushing for the change of paradigm ... of what the most important health index is. It is not your % of your body fat, it is not your BMI, nor will your heart rate monitor reveal what's really going on in your cells. It’s all about optimal cell oxygenation. Nirvana normalizes breathing and creates conditions in your body for it to be able to regenerate and heal itself.

We are proud that EFAA is our educational partner in the Netherlands.


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Missie & visie

Samen bijdragen aan de stop van de toename van overgewicht.

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Trainers Netwerk

Gratis inspiratie netwerk voor trainers met passie voor het vak

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Word een leefstijl kenniscentrum van jouw regio!

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