
Madrid, 10 - 11 May 2010

The European Health and Fitness Association (EHFA) is pleased to invite you to the 3rd Annual Fitness Forum that will take place in Madrid on Monday 10th and Tuesday 11th May 2010. The programme for this year’s event is the strongest ever and also offers phenomenal value for money. Fitness Professionals and business leaders from all over Europe will benefit from a unique two-day get-together at the Universidad Europea de Madrid with world class presenters. It is a great opportunity to exchange views on issues related to fitness & health and its professionalization of the European industry.

The programme includes distinguished speakers, like Nic Jarvis who will expand on “Personal Training: Professionalism or Profitability” and Xavier Martins Dias who will introduce the White Paper on “The Future of Fitness”, as well as two medical doctors (Dr. John Searle and Dr. Charles Eugster) who will discuss “Fitness for Seniors”.

Lyn Heward, Creative Director of Cirque du Soleil will present on the theme “Creativity and Exercise” and Reebok, as the official sponsor of this EHFA Forum, will offer you to experience the extraordinary JUKARI Fit to Flex Workout designed in cooperation with Cirque du Soleil.

A very unique experience will be the dinner at the Real Madrid Stadium (El Estadio Santiago Bernabéu) in one of its marvelous restaurants, with a special speech by the famous player Emilio Butragueño (ex Real Madrid football star and now director of Real Madrid Sport Science School).

Extra feature of the program is an optional visit to the famous Reebok, O2 as well as the Metropolitan Fitness Clubs in Madrid, which will permit all participants to get a flavor of the Spanish fitness facilities and management.

Registration can be done by returning the attached form by fax to +32 2 642 90 44. The participation fee of € 149 (incl. 16 % VAT) includes: conferences (all classroom sessions will be simultaneously translated from English into Spanish), lunches, refreshments, as well as a dinner in Real Madrid Stadium. Travel and accommodation expenses at the Quo Godoy Hotel (at preferential rates for EHFA) are to be covered by participants.

Your registration should reach us by fax, by 29th April 2010 at the latest. Please do not hesitate to forward this invitation to your partners who could also be interested in attending the Forum.

Any further questions should be addressed to ana.crespo@ehfa.eu at the EHFA Brussels office:

Telephone + 32 2 649 90 44, or fax + 32 2 642 90 44.

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