
Virgin Active, the world’s leading health club operator, with 254 clubs and 1,1million members across the UK, South Africa, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Australia, has decided to join EHFA as Vanguard Partner.


Matthew Bucknall, Group CEO, said: "With clubs in four European markets we are convinced that our sector needs good representation at the EU level, and EHFA has proven to do that very well. Also, we believe that the quality push from the EHFA standards and EREPS development are important initiatives to enhance the position of our sector."


Herman Rutgers, Executive Director of EHFA comments: "We are extremely happy that Virgin Active is now part of the extended EHFA family. With the addition of the European clubs from Virgin Active, we have now well surpassed the 10.000 mark of clubs represented. We welcome Virgin Active and look forward to working with the team, also in the various EHFA committees and working groups".


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