
EHFA – European Health and Fitness Association (based in Brussels, Belgium) and FISAF – Federation of International Sport, Aerobics and Fitness (Global headquarters in Finland) share common objectives to enhance the quality and development of the fitness industry and fitness education. Both organisations also share the desire to build guidelines and setting qualification and education standards for Fitness Training Providers and all professional in the fitness industry: EHFA at the European and FISAF at the global level. Both organisations therefore have started discussions for closer cooperation in a number of areas.
FISAF and EHFA will investigate a strategic alliance in Europe to cooperate and coordinate activities to support the joint aims and objectives to get ‘More People, More Active, More Often’ - ´Because Wellbeing Matters, Wellbeing for You´. In particular this can be advanced through the raising of education and registration standards of practice and improving the professionalism of teachers, instructors, trainers and all other fitness professionals in the sector.
FISAF and EHFA have decided to establish a joint technical committee that will review the application of EHFA standards of qualifications in the context of the European Qualifications Framework.
These standardizing activities are conducted following the rules of standardization according to the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1, “Procedures for the technical work” as well as Part 2 “Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards”.
The aim is to find common points of reference that can be further developed to improve the quality of education and training for the fitness industry and its workers – and especially in the raising of standards of practice for exercise professionals and for individual recognition of achievement through the European Register of Exercise Professionals (EREPS) and FISAF International Register.
The outcome of the detailed technical review is planned to commence by the FISAF Education and Business Summit and General Assembly in Eindhoven, Netherlands in October 2010.
The objective thereafter is to present the final results for Members approval at the EHFA General Assembly in April 2011 in Essen, Germany and FISAF European Health and Fitness Forum in Jyväskylä, Finland in July 2011.
About EHFA
Based in Brussels, EHFA, with its origins in 1996 as a not-for-profit organisation, represents the interests of the European health & fitness sector at the EU level. Its objective is “More People, More Active, More Often”. EHFA is also a standards setting body and promotes best practices in instruction and training to help combat the inactivity and obesity challenges spreading across Europe. EHFA represents more than 9,000 facilities across Europe, as well as national associations, operators, suppliers, training providers and other stakeholders. EREPS is operated by EHFA. For more: www.ehfa.eu & www.ereps.eu
FISAF is an international, independent, democratic and non-profit federation dedicated to sports, aerobics and development of the aerobic and fitness industry on international level. FISAF develops its strong and stable foundation by continuing to broaden its operation in activities which provide the greatest benefits to the greatest number of members. FISAF represent dozens of thousands of professionals hundreds of thousands of “devotees” and millions of persons interested in aerobics and fitness. These activities include:
  • Sports Aerobics, Fitness and Hip Hop Team Competitions
  • Individual Trophy Competition (Instructor Competition)
  • Education and Certification
  • Communication
  • Conventions and Expos
  • Products
  • Business Networks
For more: FISAF.org

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