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The National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and the Athletics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA), the worldwide leaders in fitness certifications, today announced that their seventh annual Optima Conference will include a registration option for free access to learning sessions, exclusive insights, and related knowledge focused on the latest science and trends in fitness and wellness. The conference will be accessible online from October 21-23, 2021 with complimentary registration at https://nasm.org/virtual-optima-2021

 “Optima brings together the brightest minds and newest ideas in the fitness and wellness movement,” said Laurie McCartney, President of NASM and AFAA. “By offering free registration, we are making it as easy as possible for everyone to access the transformational knowledge and tools they can use to help more and more people lead healthier and happier lives.”

Attendees will have free access to expert-led discussions on a wide range of relevant and timely topics including the rise of the Hybrid Training Model, stress reduction, pain management, how food affects mood, the importance of sleep, and boosting brain health with cognitive tasks.

In addition to the learning and networking sessions, Optima 2021 will include a Virtual Expo Hall, where sponsors and exhibitors can demonstrate their latest products and solutions related to fitness, nutrition, and wellness. For fitness professionals looking to add additional continuing education units (CEUs) to their certification and licenses, NASM and AFAA will offer a paid option for all three days of the conference.

For more information and to register, visit https://nasm.org/virtual-optima-2021

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