
Sport4Health project team is pleased to announce that the BMC Proceedings has published the report from the Sport4Health 2021 e-symposium that took place in Novi Sad, Serbia.

The results from the Sport4HealthNet project co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme that unites professionals from Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Belgium and The Netherlands in an effort to encourage participation in sport and physical activity among the working population with the goal of lowering health risk factors for lifestyle diseases, have been presented and discussed.

Summarized data collected during this project through evaluation of health and fitness profiles for over 40,000 employees from all 6 Sport4HealthNet countries were presented at the symposium as well as the user-friendly guidelines for physical activity at workplace and e-learning module that includes multicomponent interventions with innovative activities.

The full report is available at the following link:

BMC Proceedings

Join the FREE symposium on June 10!


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