
Paul Chek is ‘s werelds toonaangevende speaker en trainer voor fitness trainers, personal trainers en coaches. Paul is oprichter van het Chek Institute en het PPS Succes Mastery Program. Zijn holistische aanpak is baanbrekend en innovatief. Vanuit zijn instituut zal Emma Lane 2 seminars verzorgen op 19 en 20 mei te Papendal tijdens het 14e EFAA congres. Hieronder een korte omschrijving van de lezingen.

Is Stress Making Your Pants Tight? The misconception exists that living as a caveman or hunter/gatherer was a more stressful existence than being alive today. Few realize that many of the modern technologies we’ve ignorantly grown accustomed to are eating away at our vitality dangerously fast. In this lecture, Emma Lane will share the six classes of stressors, teaching the difference between physiological and non-physiological stressors. You will learn how the body summates stressors to create a total stress picture and how each person’s total stress picture dictates not only how they will

respond to exercise, but how their food intake will often change as they become stressed. In this presentation, you will learn how to recognize negative dietary influences of stress and exercise and what you can do to bring you or your clients back into balance!

You Are What You Eat Wait! Before you put that snack bar in your mouth, look at the label…see where it says, “natural or artificial flavoring”? Do you see the words “hydrogenated” or “partially hydrogenated”? Seldom do the most educated people such as exercise and health professionals realize that they are replacing cells in their bodies by the millions every second and that literally, you are what you eat! What happens to your body if you eat processed, irradiated, or genetically modified foods? Emma Lane will shock you as she educates you about the dangers of consuming commercially produced processed foods. In addition, she will show you how to make the problems you encounter with your clients often completely disappear when eliminating what Chek calls “non-foods” or “displacing” foods. This lecture could save your life!

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