
Liona Henzen - NASM Personal Trainer in practice!

Liona Henzen passed her NASM diploma in 2019 and has now been active as a personal trainer for a few years. She started personal training in August 2019 and we asked her a number of questions about her biggest challenge, target groups, price and a golden tip for starting personal trainers.


In August 2019

What has been your biggest challenge you have encountered in your practice?

The biggest challenge I have encountered in my practice is dealing with the diversity of individuals. Each person has a unique physique, different levels of flexibility and strength, and their own level of experience. This means that there is no 'one size fits all' approach.

To deal effectively with this challenge, it is essential to adapt programs and exercises to the specific needs and capabilities of each person. It requires a careful assessment of their capabilities and limitations, as well as a flexible approach to helping them achieve their goals. This may mean that for some I need to pay extra attention to improving their mobility, while for others I need to focus on building strength or improving their technique.

Where do you provide personal training, in a club, your own studio or otherwise?

In the beginning I worked in a club, but for the last few years I have been providing personal training at home through a company that recruits clients for personal trainers.

Who are your primary target groups?

Age is between 30-60 years, mainly people who want to get fit again and lose weight.

What is your average PT price?

Average € 65.50 per hour.

How many PT per week on average?

About 15 PTs per week.

What is your most successful program?

Depends on the goal and level, but strength training with HIIT as a conclusion is regularly used.

What was your most successful marketing campaign?

Let's Do it & YourHealthPT are the 2 companies that recruit customers for personal trainers. That's where I get most of my customers from.

What is your golden tip for starting personal trainers?

Continue to learn and develop: The fitness industry is constantly changing. Follow further training, read professional literature, and stay informed of new training methods and trends. This ensures that you can always offer the best quality and latest insights to your customers.

Do you have a successful PT business as a self-employed person, studio, group or otherwise, email info@efaa.nl

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