
Fitness is the most popular sport in the EU, according to the results of the latest Eurobarometer. Fitness studios across Europe counted 46 million members last year.

The economic significance of fitness in Europe was calculated at a record value of 25.3 billion euros . Nevertheless, too many people are inactive; obesity and diseases caused by a lack of exercise remain a problem. So how can the fitness industry continue to improve its results and motivate even more people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and, most importantly, get them to stick with it long-term? This challenge will be front and centre at the second European Health & Fitness Forums in Cologne on 8 April 2015. After the sold-out premiere of the 1st European Health & Fitness Forum earlier this year, another high-calibre international congress will kick off FIBO, the world’s largest fitness trade fair, in 2015. Leaders from the private sector, politics, healthcare and associations will convene at the 2nd European Health & Fitness Forum to discuss the sector’s future trajectory. They’ll hone in on the question of how the sector can motivate even more people to commit to fitness. Among other topics, discussions will revolve around the impact of motivation and behaviour modification on gym-goers’ retention rates and, in a broader sense, the state of the industry as a whole. The objective is to get members excited about fitness long-term. Another item on the agenda will be a look at the status quo of the industry in 2014, which will include the release of the EuropeActive/Deloitte European Health & Fitness Market Report 2014, the comprehensive annual fitness-market study that’s a must-have publication for all market participants and supporters of an active lifestyle. Another impressive line-up of presenters is expected. Debates initiated at the forum by top global providers and leading international operators will be tied in with valuable insights into the future development of the industry. Forum tickets include FIBO admission for two days, an evening networking event, and lunch, dinner and coffee breaks. The detailed programme for next year’s European Health & Fitness Forum will be announced shortly. About the European Health & Fitness Forum The European Health & Fitness Forum serves as the stakeholder summit of the European fitness and health industry. Participants include policymakers, health experts, insurance companies and the key players of the industry as well as associations and universities such as the Amsterdam University Medical Centre, the European University Madrid and the German Sport University Cologne. About EuropeActive EuropeActive, formerly known as the European Health & Fitness Association (EHFA), was founded in 1996 as a non-profit organisation and continues today as the sole voice addressing key EU institutions on behalf of the European health and fitness sector. Its mission is not just to turn back the tide of inactivity but to ensure that more and more people get active as a result of an effective synergy between all the sector’s actors. EuropeActive’s membership roster includes more than 10,000 facilities, 19 national trade associations, market-leading suppliers, education providers and individuals. www.ehfa.eu About FIBO State-of-the-art training equipment, intelligent health promotion concepts, up-to-date expert lectures and action-packed events: FIBO doesn’t just offer the world’s most comprehensive overview of the market but also up-close contacts with companies and their innovations. Businesses from outside Europe are among those taking advantage of the Leading International Trade Show for Fitness, Wellness and Health by presenting their innovations and staging world premieres of their products. As a result, FIBO is the industry’s largest trade fair for innovations. At FIBO 2014, 697 companies presented their products and services to 115,700 trade and private visitors from around the world. FIBO organiser Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH expects another 700 exhibitors and 100,000 visitors at the Cologne Exhibition Centre from 9 to 12 April 2015. Taking place on 8 April, the 2nd Health & Fitness Forum featuring key international industry players will serve as the pre-opening event of the trade fair.



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